Hailstones and Halibut Bones

Listen to Colors:


Kearsarge Arts Theatre Company | Photos by Steve Low

“When the music starts, the children sing with enthusiasm.
They know this music, and they love it.”

Photos from the Kearsarge Arts Theatre Company production of Hailstones and Halibut Bones, North Sutton, NH
Directed by Trish Lindberg | Music by Laurie MacGregor | Lyrics by Mary O’Neill

HAILSTONES AND HALIBUT BONES by Mary O’Neill, copyright © 1961 by Mary Le Duc O’Neill.
Used by permission of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc.
Music copyright © 1997 by Laurie MacGregor. All Rights Reserved.

Colors performed by the children of the Bernice A. Ray School; Heidi Baxter, piccolo; Fred Haas, alto sax; David Ellis, trumpet;
Elizabeth Frascoia, trombone; Donna Butler, piano; Jeanne Chambers, piano; David Westphalen, string bass;
Eric von Ammon, drums; Ellen Haun, percussion; Mimi Weinstein, percussion; Laurie MacGregor, conductor